Friday 28 September 2012

Character Profile - Adrian

Adrian Thompson (1994-)
Born in a small town, Adrian was the first child born into the Thompson family. He spent the first seventeen years of his life, living with his mother and brother, Chris in a bungalow.
He excelled at school, and passed college easily. He finished College at the age of 17, and moved straight onto a two year University course, which he finished with ease.

Having always succeeded in life, Adrian became arrogant. He only respected those at his own intelligence level. He would stick up his nose at everyone 'below average'.

After finishing University, he became CEO of a national business. He was a heartless leader, and would throw people out, as though they were garbage.

He was very attached to his wallet, and wouldn't waste a penny on anything. He never gave any money  to charity in his life, but not because he didn't have it. He would say that charities are ripoffs, and he needs the money himself.

When on holiday in Europe last year, he and his friends visited a 'fortune-teller' as a jest. She told him that his ways would catch up with him, and that 'karma' would get him. It would expose him for the harsh being he is.

After the holiday, he came back to work, and decided an office position in his hometown would suit him more. He is still the CEO, but runs things from the office.