Friday 7 September 2012

Film Idea - The Package

This story follows a man going to deliver a very important parcel to a regular house on a regular day, but not everything goes as planned...
A parcel is seen sitting in the back of a van with its doors open, before the main character of the film takes it and closes the van doors. The audience is not told what is in the parcel, but can see there are many labels plastered all over it that read things like 'handle with care' and 'confidential'. A shot from a high vantage point in the area shows the man taking the parcel, but the shot is shown through what looks like some sort of high-tech set of binoculars. Back on the ground, it immediately becomes apparent that the man is being followed, as shadows and shapes begin to flash past the screen. He then becomes tense and begins to look around him, and quickens his walking pace.
He cuts down an alleyway and his exit at the other side is blocked by a man in dark clothing with the view of his face obscured. This means that the man with the parcel has to turn around, but we then see that the way he entered has now also been blocked by a man with a similar appearance.
The carrier begins to panic and decides he needs to escape as the two men close in on him, so chooses to climb over the fencing of the alleyway. The two men run to try and stop him, but just miss his feet as he disappears over the fence, falling to the ground below that the camera can't see.
The camera then rejoins him as he pulls himself off the ground on the other side, covered in mud and dust from his fall. He resumes running from the two and comes to a road, where he turns to run down the pavement. A black car then screeches round the corner and chases after the man. After a short time of the man dodging pedestrians, bus stops, and other obstacles, he cuts down another side street that the car can't fit down. Two more people in dark clothing get out of the car to chase after him. A camera follows the chase, from both handheld perspectives and side-on views to make the action seem up close and intense, making the viewer more involved in the shot. The camera flicks to look back at the two men chasing the carrier, as one of them pulls out a gun and fires in the direction of the camera, though missing and hitting the fencing.
The carrier runs out of the alley and straight across a busy street, causing two cars to screech to a halt just after he runs past them. This blocks the path of his pursuers and by the time the cars pull out of the way, the carrier is vanished, leaving a blank, empty scene except from the two chasers.
We then cut to see the carrier slowing his run to a walk, and strolling up to the door of a house, parcel still in hand. He knocks on the door and an old woman answers.
Through heavy panting due to the chase he's just been involved in, he says to the woman "Parcel for Mrs Smith?" and hands the woman the package. The woman gives him a disapproving look due to his scruffy appearance, and tells him "clean yourself up lad". She closes the door and he turns around to face a camera behind him.
Brushing some of the mud off his shirt, he reveals a badge on his chest which reads 'Regal Mail Express Courier'. An iris to the badge turns the scene to black.
Credits roll.