Friday 7 September 2012

Film Idea - Dreamers

-The government have released a pill that prevents someone from getting tired, or needing to sleep.
-The pill becomes extremely popular, and most people who can afford it, buy it.
-People who still sleep discover the dream land is a real universe.
-The dream universe is being destroyed because there aren't enough dreamers to run it.
-The pill is taken off of the market, because of it's recently discovered side-effect.
-When people start to sleep again, they find the dream universe in flames.
-There are many people dying in their sleep.

   In the year 2014, after 2 years of constant war, the British Government decide extreme measures must be taken, in order to survive, and go on to win the war.
   This is when they begin to produce a pill that will help the soldiers stay awake longer, and gain tactical advantages. This worked better than they could have hoped, and by September 2014, they'd produced a pill that stops the process of sleeping.
   The pill was a success to some extent, until the other countries in the war bought some pills from a traitor within the British military, and began to produce their own.
   By May 2015, the war ended in a peace-treaty, as the war was seen as 'undying' and 'pointless'. The pill was no longer needed, but it didn't just disappear.
   People with pills left over from the military started to sell them to citizens. At first the Government didn't approve, but when they saw how much they were making, they soon changed their minds. Eventually they were producing millions of the pills each day, to sell to the people of the world.
   They were sold quite cheap, as they were popular, and would make up for the low-prices, in how mant units were sold. However, some people still couldn't afford them, or didn't want them.
   The people still sleeping started to notice strange things about their dreams once a high percentage of the world had stopped sleeping. The dreams always seemed dark, and unsettling. No movement, no people, just darkness.
   By June 2016, scientists researching the pills discovered that without sleep, people weren't growing properly, people were more fatigued through the day, and the pill also reduced the average human lifespan, with the average age plummeting since the pill was released.
   Because of those reasons, the pill was taken off the market, and no longer sold in any country, but was still forced upon soldiers, usually during night-time watches.
   Once people had started to sleep again, they all noticed what the poorer people who couldn't afford the pills saw. Their dreams were full of fire and destruction. More people began to pass away in their sleep, and no one could explain it.
   With the pill, people were becoming deformed, not growing properly, but without the drug, people were being killed by their dreams.