Sunday 23 September 2012

Horror Genre Research

The Horror Genre

The horror genre has been around for many years and is one on the most watched film genres of all time. People enjoy watching horrors as it gives the audience the feeling of fear and the adrenaline of what’s going to happen next. The definition of Horror is a film that brings out the viewers emotions, worst fear, terror and nightmares. The aim of horror is to scare the audience so much, that they enjoy it and want to go and watch another horror. The main stories that are in horror films are usually ghosts, zombies, aliens and demons. 

Sub Genre

Further into the horror genre, there are a number of sub genres. The main sub genres in horror are:

  •  ·      Gothic
  •  ·      Physiological
  •  ·      Suspense
  •  ·      Thriller
  •  ·      Action
  •  ·      Sci-Fi
  •  ·      Family

Target Audience

Horror targets a number of different ages groups and audiences. For example some horror films are made for children made by animation which are usually rated PG. You then have the more extreme horrors that are for the older generation. Films like Paranormal Activity and Saw are just a few examples. Paranormal Activity was given the age rating of a 15. If you have seen these films, you will notice the difference between PG and 15 rated films. The biggest target audience for horror filmmakers to target are the young adults/ teens. The reason for this is because they enjoy watching horror the most out of all the other audiences.