Friday 21 September 2012

Title Sequence Research

Short films can be quite hard to incorporate a title sequence of a significant value in as it takes up screen time, the way our group hopes to overcome this is to firstly combine out film footage with our title sequence in order for us to have more time for extra film instead of dedicating film time to titles.

The short film "The Last 3 Minutes" uses this technique, it presents the people involved within the film while the film itself is still easy to see as the title doesn't obscure anything. It introduces the film, its settings and shows us the characters that we are going to be shown throughout the rest of the film.

The title sequence should also show the genre that the film is trying to display. a good example of this would be Tim Burton's "Edward Scissorhands"  in which the title sequence taking place there does an excellent job at setting the scene and getting people into the mood, due to its font style, colours etc.

It can also set the tone and pace and give people the chance to get absorbed into the story and setting whilst giving credit to the numerous amount of people involved in the project.