Friday 19 October 2012

Eye Flashback Influence

The Final Destination films have influenced our film in the way that we want to do a flashback like the films. At the end of this clip you see that the camera zooms into the main characters eyes just as he dies.  Then it goes back to the scene with him sat on the bus like the first scene before the incident. His facial expressions show that he has just seen himself dying. He then begins to panic & wonder what is going on. This technique is used through all the Final Destination films. Just as something happens to the character, the camera zooms into their eye and the back out in a different scene.

For our film, we are having Sean lying on the floor and Connor standing over him. As Connor reachers out to grad Sean, the camera zooms into the eye of Sean. It then goes back to the scene when Sean is leaving his office. This is the flashback that we are wanting to have. This shows that Sean has been given a second chance to do the right thing which is related back the Final Destination.