Thursday 4 October 2012

Location research

The main body of our film is to be set in an underground / multi-storey car park towards the end of the day when it's getting dark. We had some idea as to where to film, although when we arrived we were asked about what we were doing there, and told it was unlikely we'd be allowed to film in the car park. Despite this setback, we are still going to enquire as to whether we can get permission to film there, and if we are denied there are other similar locations we can look at.
The car park we went to is here
The following photos are a selection of the best ones we got.

This shows the vast, cold setting of the car park. The lighting is also quite dim inside the car park and would be even more effective in the coming winter months when it gets dark early. The fluorescent lights on the ceiling are a natural source of eerie lighting as it's not often things are lit directly from above, and the colour of the light on camera isn't the same as natural sunlight.

This particular piece of graffiti caught our eye. It is situated on one of the walls of the entrance to the car park, and displays the haunting words "who needs flowers when you're dead?"
This kind of dark, mysterious graffiti is exactly the kind of thing you would expect to see in the setting of a car park where our kind of film is going to be set.

This shot shows Sean standing facing the camera, with the bright light from outside glaring in behind him. The silhouette looks good in this kind of scene and hides all his features, but for our film we intend to film when it's darker outside than when we took these photos so we won't be able to use this effect. This however is a good shot to display the fluorescent lighting on the ceiling that will give a good effect to just show a few of the features of the actors, but hide the majority of them to add to the eerie mystery of the scenario.

This photo is in a delivery bay area, just under the first level of the car park. At night time, this will be much creepier with all the eroding brickwork and dull, dark colours. There is also a good canvas here for some lighting from the left of this photo, to come in and light up half of Adrian's face to show he has a split personality, or a good side and an evil side.