Thursday 25 October 2012

Nonlinear Narrative Research

Nonlinear editing and narrative

Nonlinear in film is defined as a narrative technique. This is when films are made and include either flashbacks to older scenes or where the film starts at the end and then the rest of the films explains how it got to that point. There are a number of films that we have looked into that include these techniques. The main film that we looked into was the Final Destination Films. In these films you see each character die and then the scene flashes back to just before they die. This then shows that the characters have been given a second chance. We incorporated this idea into our ideas for our films. The main film theme that is most important to include in a nonlinear film is action. When researching into different nonlinear films i noticed that most of the film genres are action. The reason why people use action in a nonlinear film is because they can use the end of the film at the beginning and then the rest of the movie to explain how it got to that scene. This is a very good way to grab the audiences attention as the action starts straight away. The excitement of the beginning of the film makes the audience want to keep watching.

List of Nonlinear films
  • Social Network
  • (500) Days of Summer
  • The Final Destination
  • Slumdog millionaire 
  • Watchmen
  • Kill Bill
  • Reservoir dogs
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Pulp Fiction