Thursday 4 October 2012

Treatment 1


5 minutes

We are aiming at a 14+ audience. People who like jumpy, suspense-filled action. See our post "Target audience and certification" for more information.

Adrian finishes work, and heads for his car. On his way he passes an homeless man, who pleads for some money. Adrian kicks over his cup, and tells him to get a job, then proceeds to the car park. As he enters the car park, strange things start to occur. As he struggles to get his keys, shadows can be seen behind him. He gets into the car, and sees something in his mirror, but his car won't start. He leaves the car to go to a phone, and is attacked by a demon. Just before it kills him, he flashes back to the point where he just leaves the office building. He then passes the homeless man seen in the 'vision'. This time he gives him all of his change, and leaves, noticing his head has been cut, as it had in the 'vision'. He then realises that he has been given a second chance.

Suggested Features: 
The suggested features that makes our film different to the others is that we have decided to have a non linear story. We are including a flash back/forward scene when Adrian is given a second chance to do the right thing. The idea for the flash back/forward is from the Final Destination films. The idea is linked with the title of the film 'Karma', where something happens to someone and it all starts going wrong for them. A second chance is then given to them to change the past and do right.