Thursday 22 November 2012

Film Poster Ideas 2 - Person in Background

The second idea we've had for our film poster is to have the main character (Adrian) in the foreground of the poster, with the demon in the background.

The first film for inspiration is 'Sherlock Holmes; A Game of Shadows'. In this poster, Robert Downey Jr is in the foreground of the shot, with another character from the film looking back at him from further down the street. This idea would be good as it would accurately represent how Adrian in our film is unaware of the demon for the main part of the film.

Secondly there is the poster for a film called 'The Unborn'. In this poster the woman looking the mirror sees a strange-looking child looking back at her, but there clearly isn't anyone behind her in reality. This is a similar idea to the shot in our film where Adrian sees the demon in his car through the rear-view mirror, but then turns around and there is nothing there.

Finally, the poster for 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'. This poster shows Harry in the foreground taking up the main focus of the poster, but then there is Professor Snape in the background when you look closer. This is similar to the Sherlock Holmes poster, except in this shot Harry seems to be walking away from Snape, in contrast to Sherlock seeming to stand his ground in the top poster. This may be more relevant to our film as Adrian never stands his ground against the demon, instead constantly tries to run away from it.