Thursday 8 November 2012

Simple Film Test - I'll Get the Next One

This is a very short film we made to test a number of techniques and methods such as manual focusing (shown in very first shot), match-on-action (shown throughout the first 20 seconds) and deliberately & correctly breaking the 180 degree rule (shown at 16 seconds in).

The manual focus in the very first shot is used to give the film a professional, modern look. It is also a good introductory shot as the foreground is static, giving room to add a title with all the activity happening in the out-of-focus background.

The match-on-actions throughout the first 20 seconds help link the shots together and make for successful continuity. It also enables us to seamlessly link together shots that were filmed in different locations, as he walks through the door at 16 seconds.

Finally, breaking the 180 degree rule usually should never be done either deliberately or accidentally, but there are a few exceptions; walking up stairs (you can only go up one way and down one way), moving the camera around without a cut at all, to cut on the line so there are 2 cuts altogether, or to cut through a door like we did.

Director - Connor Jackson
Main actor - Sean Martin
Cameraman - Matthew Jones
Editor - Kieran Charlesworth