Thursday 29 November 2012

Tricky shot list

1 - Match on action when Adrian kicks over the homeless guy’s cup of money. To do this shot we will have to film the whole scene from one angle and then from the other. We will then have to edit both shots together so that the film flows.

2 - All shots with the demon in, where we need to hide his face. This can be achieved by lighting the demon from above or behind, creating shadows and / or a silhouette.

3 - Shot down the corridor as Adrian leaves work - elliptical edit. In order to cut out unnecessary walking shots, the scene showing Adrian walking away from his office will be cut like the shot at 4:43 in this video, except we will slightly crossfade the shots to further exaggerate the passage of time. This will be done by filming him walking down the corridor in one shot. It can then be edited to look like an elliptical shot by cutting a few seconds out and adding a fade.

6 - Match on action when Adrian drops his keys - have to make the demon appear behind him as he bends down to pick up keys, whilst keeping continuity in every other element. To do this shot we will have to film it when he drops his keys all in one shot. Then we could film it from another angle to be able to edit the clips together and create the match on action.

7 - When Adrian's car refuses to start. The sound of engine cranking, and the headlights flickering on and off will be done in an editing suite, rather than being done on-set. They will most probably added in Adobe After Effects with the VideoCopilot lens flare plugin.

8 - Pull focus when Adrian is sitting in his car, and the demon is in the back seat. Focus pulls from Adrian's face, to the demon in the back of the car. This will be done with the manual focusing ring on the lens of the cameras.

9 - Rear view mirror eye-line match. When Adrian gets in his car, he glances at his rear view mirror and sees the demon in the back seat, before spinning around to see it has disappeared. This will require an eye-line match from the drivers' seat of the car, with Adrian's hand adjusting the mirror.

10 - End transition as Adrian is laying on the floor. The shot is meant to look like the transition used in the Final Destination films where the camera quickly zooms into the character's eye then back out again in a different location.