Thursday 31 January 2013

Filming pack day 2

The filming pack for day 2 is on Google Drive here

Friday 25 January 2013

Filming Diary - 25/01/2013

The first day of filming commenced today. We filmed part of our first scene, and part of scene two. We completed the corridor part of scene 1, and the car park part of scene two. The photographs below show us on the set.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Progress Diary - Sean Martin (Pre-filming)

We have acquired everything we need before we start filming, we originally planned to start last week but due to certain situations we had to postpone it until this week.

I have been involved in make-up tests to see if certain products we were using would work well and were convincing enough for the film. We have also done some test filming to gather experience on the new camera's we were using and to also see the different types of editing that could be done to enhance the appearance of the film. We also used a green screen to test certain backgrounds and see the effects certain camera shots would have.

I have also investigated into different media and film theories that contain information on the different types of codes that can be strewn throughout a film to make it much more involving.

Scene 2 - Risk Assement

Filming pack day 1

The filming pack for day 1 is viewable here on Google Drive here

Progress Diary - Connor Jackson

In the previous two weeks, we've been heavily preparing for our film. We've created posters, I've searched for possible soundtracks, and we've done some make-up tests. We expected to begin filming last week, but were setback by unforeseen circumstances, therefore, we'll begin filming either today, or tomorrow. The risk assessment for Scene 1 was completed by me, so we are well prepared for filming, as soon as possible.

Ta ra.

Friday 18 January 2013

The Quest to Soundtrack III

The third part of my quest led me to find this video. The first two parts were fairly similar in their sounds, and would serve as background music. This music probably won't make it into our final product, but there are aspects of it that might sound good. Perhaps for titles and credits.

The Quest to Soundtrack II

On the second part of my quest, I came across a website, named Incompetech, which is a royalty free music website, founded and maintained by Kevin MacCleod. There are hundreds of tracks free for download, of all genres. I found a track that would fit into our product. I found it in the horror and suspense category of the website. The video above was one of the finest horror soundtracks I coud find.

The Quest to Soundtrack I

In the first part of my quest to find music for our product, I came across this video. It's called '13 Days of Nightmares' and it is a royalty-free soundtrack, meant for free use in projects like ours. The ambient sounds and spooky feel will work great in our dark horror scenes. I was quite lucky to find this early, as it appeals to all the members in the group.

My Name is Adrian

A key part of the first few scenes in the film is establishing who Adrian is, and how the audience should relate to the character. To make it as blatant as possible, we decided to create a badge for Adrian to wear to show the character's name and the company he works for. The plain grey colour scheme shows how boring the company he works for is, and how grey and miserable the character is at the beginning of the film.

Friday 11 January 2013

Practicing tricky shots

It's nearly time for us to start filming our project so before we went out into the field, we decided to practice a few of the tricky shots we might encounter. To achieve the desired effect, we used various methods and techniques both in production and post production. The finished video is below :-)

Scene 1 - Risk Assessment

Above is the risk assessment for Scene 1 (Yo Adrian) carried out by Connor Jackson. It follows Sean Martin walking down a corridor. The risks are very minimal to start with in this scene, but all risks must be assessed.