Friday 8 March 2013

Extra Scenes

This is a precaution we decided to take incase our film didn't quite make the five minute target. Below will be a couple of ideas for extra scenes we can do, or extend if our film doesn't make it.

Idea One - Extension of Scene 4
Instead of Adrian been stood next to the homeless man, and putting his money in the cup, the film rewinds to the beginning, and ends by fading to black, and showing Adrian reversing back into the room from which he started in. He will awaken in the room, and believe that he was dreaming. His co-worker will say his name, but then Adrian will realise his shift is over, and leave the room. As he proceeds through the building, another co-worker will greet him how he did in Adrian's 'dream'. This makes him nervous, and he continues out of the building, until he sees the homeless man again, whom once again asks him to spare some change. This time, Adrian spares the change, and drives away in his car. The events of what he thought was a dream, still fresh in his mind.

Idea Two - Scene 4 and Scene 5
Adrian doesn't see the homeless man at the end of Scene 4, and believes entirely that he was dreaming, and the co-worker was a complete coincidence. In Scene 5, he returns home after work. Unlocks his door, then goes to turn the alarm off, but notices it isn't switched on. He was sure it was. He hangs up his coat, takes off his tie, and goes into the kitchen for a drink of water. When he gets the water, he goes into the living room, turns on the TV, and sits down to watch the TV. He notices a necklace on the side. The necklace of the homeless man. After realising, the lights go out, and the television turns off. The electric is out. Then he hears a knock on the door. He goes to answer it, but when he does, no one is there. Except the Karma Demon, standing behind him. The scene fades to black.

It is looking quite likely now, that aspects of both of these scenes will be used in our film, and that is why it's going to be uploaded to the blog.