Thursday 13 September 2012

Film Idea - The Guardian

The film opens up with a man asleep, who is woken up by the impact of his head hitting a car boot, he opens his eyes only to see complete darkness, accompanied with the sound of a car engine rumbling in the background.

Dark music begins to play to establish the scene and the character begins to panic in his situation. He repeatedly hits the boot of the car to try and get out. The car comes to a stop, the footsteps of somebody outside can be heard, erratic editing takes place whilst the person trapped inside is wailing out for help. All goes silent, a close up shot of the keys opening the boot of the car can be seen and the boot is lifted. A sudden surge of light brightens up the darkness and the character is pulled out of the car. The apparent criminal's face is kept dark using the lighting around him to give off a sense of mystery and the victim is carried off, the camera follows his movement on the ground as he tries to break free from the ropes that are tied around him.

Afterwards, the victim is left beside a row of bushes on the side of the road. The antagonist walks towards his car, as he does so, he tells the victim
"You are safe now". He tosses the protagonist a flashlight from the inside his car and then slowly takes off. The man, confused, turns the flashlight on and begins to walk down the lonesome road, questioning what just happened.

A sudden explosion can be heard and the man frantically turns around in shock. He decides to run away from the explosion, whilst he is running, he moves past a car where the radio is speaking aloud. He stops, walks back to the car and looks inside. The car radio speaks of an incident in which an estate had been terrorised and a fire had spread. The man starts to see other people walking around in the dark, each with a flashlight equipped.

The man then realises that he was not taken, but instead saved by an unknown figure.