Thursday 13 September 2012

Kieran Charlesworth - Film Idea - Not Alone

Not Alone

Set in a car park at night time, a young man is heading home from work. As he is walking back to his car he can hear mysterious noises coming from the dark car park. He starts searching his bag to find his keys. As he does this he drops his bag and all his belongings fall out of the bag. He quickly goes to pick his stuff off the floor and he sees shadows moving in the background. He gets up quickly and picks up his keys off the floor. he continues to walk over to his car. The camera switches to the CCTV camera watching the man. You see from the CCTV camera that he is not alone. As he gets closer to his car the noises become louder and more often.  He pace becomes faster and he begins to run to his car. Out of the shadows a dark figure appeared. You see the main character turns around and the shadowed character vanished. The camera switches back to the CCTV shot showing the main character standing by himself in the car park. Another car enters the car park through the main entrance. The character in the car looks suspiciously at the main character. He parks up and exits the car. He picks up his bag and walks to the exit of the car park.

After the character leaves through the door the noise begins again. At this point the main character is worrying and goes to put his key in the car door. He opens the door and jumps into the front seat. He goes to start his engine however the car will not start up. He begins to panic and he begins to hear noises in his head. The noises in his head are hard to understand. He gets out of his car and begins to run towards the exit and trips over on a small crack on the floor. He turns over to find the dark tall figure stood looking down on him. The other character then comes back into the car park to find the main character on the floor in the middle of the parking. He walks over to the guy and asks him if he is okay. The character on the floor looks at the new character in shock as it seems that he cannot see the tall figure infront of him. He helps him to his feet and to his car. The main character enters the car and starts it up. The car now starts and both characters drive out of the car park. The camera then switches to the CCTV shot and shows the character driving away. As he is driving away the camera has some interference and the shadowed character at the bottom of the screen watching them leave. The camera then switches to inside the main character car looking out the back window. You see from this angle the character standing in the background of the shot. The driver then drives away and the camera shot end on the CCTV camera shot.